Friday, 8 January 2016

7 Quick Takes: The Post Party Glow Edition

Life pretty much overtook the chance to document it, during Advent, due to extra commitments, medical appointments, and so on. Thankfully we had a wonderful Christmas holiday and a big part of me didn't want it to end. I'm optimistically (re)turning to rhythm and routine and awaiting a year of potential change, but today I may just bask in the post-party glow.


I looked at my toenails today and they are still painted spangly gold (whilst dishwater long ago consumed the polish from my fingernails.) And I have no opportunity to show off my party toes other than the swimming pool.


I no longer have a fridge full of leftovers so I can throw together meals as sensible as turkey and gammon pie or soups as random as celeriac, apple and stilton (currently simmering on the stove; last usage of leftovers. Sob!)
Image result for celeriac
My celeriac looked more Ood-like than this (© Dr Who)


I do however have an inordinate amount of decorations, wrapping paraphernalia and so on to cram tidy away nicely into "the Christmas cupboard" in the corner of the bedroom.


My husband still has a stash of Christmas chocolate leftover so if, for example, we are catching up with the New Year's Day Sherlock special, I will beg and plead to be fed chocolate like a starved dog. (We don't have a dog, so, probably not quite like that, but that's what my imagination says.)


Having devoured The Sculptor by Scott McCloud and Home by Marilynne Robinson in pretty much single sittings, because I didn't have to be doing anything else, it is now going to take me the whole of 2016 to finish (also by Marilynne Robinson) Gilead. (I deliberately read the books out of order; now wondering if it was such a good idea.)

Image result for the sculptor
What a read/visual experience!


I was gifted a longed-for 5 year journal where one notes down just a couple of sentences a day - about the goings on, and what you are thankful for, if you feel so inclined. It's easier than opening up the laptop to blog, and I feel I haven't really had much to say really, but I hope to write things about life here in paragraphs in 2016 should I feel the urge!


Finally, the laundry. Oh the laundry! I did run the washing machine a lot during the holidays, I know I did, but there are so many clothes that were worn - sparkly outfits, new clothing gifts, muddied articles, toilet accidents....and of course three lots of school uniform - I feel as soon as I make headway with the laundry hampers their contents replicate. And bizarrely, despite a ridiculous-but-works-for-me system of lights/whites, bright colours and dark items, which is meant to work in regular rotation, so much has been thrown haphazardly into the hampers and washing machine leaving not only others but me!!! with a bunch of odd socks and no matches. Today is the first day I can actually remember wearing odd socks because there is no other choice (thankfully I am wearing knee-high boots when I leave the house.) *becomes wistful* anyone else remember back in the 80s deliberately wearing one neon yellow sock and one neon pink sock because it was, ahem, on trend?!

Bright socks

What are you finding difficult about getting back to 'normal'? Do please leave a comment and join Kelly and other bloggers at the new and updated This Ain't the Lyceum for more Quick Takes.

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