oops....have realised I haven't posted on the Blog since last week's menu plan. There is certainly a lot going on around here but mainly I think it is the fact that at 32 weeks pregnant I am happier and certainly more comfortable lying on the sofa than sitting up at the computer. And sadly, other than some more Rocky Road, I haven't baked for the family in the week (although I did magic an amazing crumble type thing out of red cherry pie filling when 1stSister's friend came over, which is already the stuff of legend, despite it being out of a tin.) However, we're still going with lots of homemade food before 4thSister arrives and we're onto freezer meals as our default.
I tried to menu plan the month early and then realised that Lent begins on 13th so have had to swap some meals around. We will try to stick to simpler fare for the next 6 weeks, dessert only on a Sunday, fish twice a week etc although with me waking up at 3am with a penchant for pastries I suspect it's pointless me even trying to fast from things other than TweetBook :-) Anyway here is this week's selection:
Meat Free Monday - Pasta with Pesto. This is the meal we never had when we returned from our minibreak, a useful storecupboard standby for when my planned Ploughmans got switched around last week and I find us without enough fresh stuff to whip up anything else!
Shrove Tuesday - Mixed Grill followed by Pancakes For the past x Shrove Tuesdays, we've had Pancakes for dinner and pudding, no savoury course, just pancakes. Given that I don't eat eggs, this is pretty poor I reckon! Thankfully, all this menu talk of Brinner (breakfast for dinner) inspired me to order in a load of organic meat steaks which I've split and bagged and can do for a mega mixed grill for me, and any other takers, before the pancakes course. Given the horse meat scandal (I'm not bothered about eating horse, to be fair, I just like to know what I am eating and whether it's injected with chemicals), I am quite excited about having some proper steak along with chips!
Ash Wednesday - Turkey Tetrazinni. As it's Lent, I try to use up freezer stuff (hence the big turkey breast from Christmas will finally be gone) and cut down on my weekly chicken in favour of fish. I've wanted to try this recipe again - Jamie Oliver does a version - and it seemed the right time. Although I may have to cut down on trying new things already as my hormones can't take it - my husband loved last week's meatloaf, but the kids were scared, and sentences like "shall I give you feedback about this dish?" have me apopletic :-)
Saint Valentines Thursday - Mackerel Salad & Dessert. Yes, I know I said no desserts in Lent apart from on Sundays but it's the Feast of Saint Valentine for goodness sake! It took all my restraint not to order loads of heart shaped confectionery along with my fruit and veg boxes, but decided to settle for a heart shaped pudding instead. My husband enjoys smoked mackerel very much, and although there's a sustainability issue in the media at the moment, I'm satisfied with the practices of the fisheries we buy from, so this is a Lenten treat for us!
Fishy Friday - Fishfingers and Chips Fridays are generally fishy in our house, and this week it will be fishfingers and oven chips while my husband works over at his annual project, the Hucknall Beer Festival.
Saturday - Spaghetti Carbonara. A Saturday night favourite.
Sunday - Pork Steaks with all the roast trimmings. And a pud! Especially since 2ndSister has a ballet exam in the morning.
Enjoy the link up with Mrs M!
Sounds like a great meal plan....
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely week x
sounds like a great meal plan - I like your Valentines Meal as well - something a bit different.
ReplyDeleteCompletely forgot when I did my meal plan that it was Pancake Day tomorrow, obviously the kiddos will only eat pancake based foodstuffs all day!!
Looks good - we're just having pancakes tomorrow and suspect that most of them will be sweet!
ReplyDeleteMmmm delicious meals! I like the sound of the turkey tetrazzini and spag carbonara is always a winner! Have a lovely week x