I went to my Lent group last night. I could have done with the time at home, as there haven't been many evenings around here, what with a teething baby and my commitment to my lay ministry course and (gasp!) the start of some socialising. But I was so glad I went. It's an ecumenical effort this year, with Anglicans (UK equivalent of Presbytarians), Methodists, Baptists, Wesleyans and so on. (No, I don't know where our Catholics were, either; they are part of our Churches Together initiative and were invited.) There were 3 people there from the Lent course I did a few years ago; it felt like coming home! My spiritual advisor and her husband were also there. We had fun discussing things and also were very reminded about why we do groups like these - not just to come together, intra-faith, but to take time to revisit our ideas about worshipping, sacrificing, and helping. The course we are studying is called Square Mile and is basically calling on us as Christians so just help others in our community - no ifs, not buts, just do the mission - and there was some truly provoking stuff on the presentation. If Africans in poverty themselves can set up initiatives for AIDS orphans and widows, what is stopping the first world doing this???!!
This one's related to my evenings being a little bit more busy - babysitters are booked so my husband and I can go on a date! Now we just need to book the restaurant. Actually, we've been managing to carve out some proper talking time in our evenings, even if it's 30 minutes before we head up to bed. But I feel we're both putting an effort into getting to know each other's thoughts on things, rather than just talking about what needs to be done the next day, and I feel the benefit.
I posted earlier this week on how my sugar cravings have been a bit of a nightmare! I didn't intentionally give up anything for Lent, but now that I'm in the arena of denial, I'm embracing it. The children seem to be managing fine! It's made me realise how much I relied on handfuls of junk to propel me through the day. I'm getting past that. And yes, it's made me realise that I could offer up arrow prayers at those times instead :-)
I don't have as many materials for Lent as I do for Advent, so I ordered a couple that will be good for next year (this year's theme was keep it simple.) I also splashed out on my favourite purchase of the year so far (with my new Bible cover a close second) - a CD of music for Lent and Easter. I listened to all the extracts before I purchased, and got chance to listen to just the first two tracks yesterday, but was instantly uplifted and on that Lenten path. I recommend that everyone go out and buy it; it's worth the money.
I actually *am* due my period now (apparently the lack of sugar binges should do me good, but I'm not feeling it!) and I've downloaded a temperature chart and ordered a basal thermometer so I can learn what's going on with my body more. I did try this when we spent 2+ years trying to conceive the first time around (not to much success, evidently; as soon as I stopped focusing on when my fertile days were, I got pregnant.) But I've been doing some reading and would like to give it another try. Watch this space.
It's Red Nose Day here in the UK, which in a nutshell means people entertaining others in the name of charity, with money going to needy in places like Africa. My two big girls are interested, but my favourite things has been watching Comic Relief does Glee Club on the BBC this week. Two of my favourite Christians, Carrie and David Grant, are on the judging panel, and the groups of youngsters performing have been genuinely amazing. One of the groups sang a gospel number and I actually cried!
Finally, two things to pray for - our friend who is a journalist has been deployed to cover the crisis in north Japan. We're praying for him and his wife and two young children at home in Hong Kong. Please join us. Also, on a more celebratory note, baby Rebecca will finally be baptised this Sunday - probably with a teething temperature, red cheeks and a snotty nose if this week is anything to go by, but Jesus does meet us where we are, after all :-)
Have a good week, everyone, and thanks for sharing and thanks to our host Jen @Conversion Diary.
Have a good week, everyone, and thanks for sharing and thanks to our host Jen @Conversion Diary.
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