1) Managed to wash, sterilise & fill the bottles I needed for the crazy morning ahead, plus shower, get kids fed, dressed etc, without the extra pair of hands I usually rely on...
2) Managed to not yell at the kids *too* much to get us out of the house on time, and had a lovely talk with them about how Daddy needs to go to work to earn the money but it sometimes means Mummy has to rush around like a blue-arsed fly to get everything done & isn't as patient as usual. (No, I don't think I really used that epithet but that's how I felt today!)
3) I only forgot one thing when leaving the house!
4) Baby Becky has put on another pound since we last had her weighed two weeks ago! This is a HUGE success considering that a month ago her weight was plummeting. She's still not up to her birth centile, so it's still feed, feed, feed round the clock, but she's doing very well :-)
*Thanks to Danielle Bean at Faith & Family Live.

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