"And he departed from our sight that we might return to our heart, and there find Him. For He departed, and behold, He is here."
-- St. Augustine
Happy Easter! Praise the Lord!
It feels like it's been ages in the waiting - our simple and thoughtful Lent was mostly wonderful but by Holy Week, if it hadn't have been for a beautiful performance of Bach's St John's Passion, I was almost all wiped out due to a barrage of portrayals of the crucifixion (I didn't mind so much standing on the dais sharing the Palm Sunday Passion reading while my husband smuggled my children out of Church to ensure quiet, but there was no way I could find spirituality in a viewing of The Passion of the Christ).
(And, apparently for some people we know Easter apparently started last Thursday, and mainly means shopping, but I won't rant about that here, I've done enough of that at home.)
In our household we're looking forward to Easter Breakfast, gifts, Church & much chocolate (in that order....I HOPE.....)
Breakfast this year includes a special Italian Colomba (cake shaped like a dove)...
We have family coming over later for simnel cake, various chocolate Easter cakes, & mugs of tea & coffee (yesterday the girls and I made chocolate nests with shredded wheat, milk chocolate and mini eggs.) Yum!
Tomorrow friends and their children are coming,we're roasting a chicken and cooking a joint of spiced beef in the crock pot, making dauphinoise potatoes, and serving green beans. Antipasti is happening - salami, proscuitto, fresh mozzarella, sunblush tomatoes, rocket, parmesan, olives.
Hmm, I think I'd better go and grab some toast before the day begins - I am slightly obsessing over the food, aren't I! (As the kids would no doubt repeat back to me, "Easter's not about chocolate, Mummy, it's all about JESUS.")
Anyway, that's my message today. Easter, Jesus, food, family & friends. I hope you have all this too. Happy Easter! ENJOY.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
-- John 3:16 NIV
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