Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Saints Go Marching in...to 2015

Well it seems like I've been on an extended blog hiatus.

This wasn't intentional.

I'm never sure whether the blog is theological, kid-based, music-devoted, foodie or a mix of everything. It's probably a mix of everything. But I don't have time to DO everything, let alone blog about it. So who knows what 2015 holds....but I'm not closing the blog!

So this is a brief post to announce 'my' saint for 2015, courtesy of the Jen Fulwiler Saint Generator.

Being an Anglo-Catholic Anglican, you see, I'm pretty big on saints compared to the rest of my congregation and colleagues. Sometimes I reference a saint and people look at me like I'm an alien. (Like I said, I'm Anglo-Catholic.)  If 4thSister had been a boy, she'd have been named after one of my favourite saints, Maximilian Kolbe, for example. (As it is, she's Josephine - also a saint.) Theological reading and practice including but not limited to  Francis of Assisi, Ignatius of Loyola, Benedict, Augustine, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux inform and educate my holy living. We (shock, horror in the Anglican church!) go trick or treating, but we also celebrate All Saints Day properly.

Oops, sorry, I said brief, didn't I?

Anyway, with an imaginary drum roll I announce that my saint for 2015 is going to be:

(image taken from Wikipedia)

St Juan, eh? I don't know much about him, but I'll stick with him & hope he helps me to glorify God more in 2015. (My husband's a John. He has the same kind of role.) I hope to research and revisit in a few weeks - for now, he seems like a non-traditional type of saint (if there is a traditional type!) which is fine by me. The Saint Generator does allow you to change the saint if you don't think it's a correct fit. (On All Saints Day 2ndSister kept changing and changing her saint because no girly names were coming up.)

Finally - in case this Saint thing sounds completely off the wall, just try praying to Saint Anthony of Padua next time you lose something. I dropped my phone on a local road. Most things on it are transferable and it's protected, but I was panicking. My husband went out looking for it to no avail. I prayed to St Anthony. My husband tried ringing it, and a police officer answered. Turns out someone had handed it in streets away at the local police station! My husband had just enough time to drive and collect it before the police station closed and he had to collect 2ndSister from ballet class. I DO NOT THINK THIS WAS MERE COINCIDENCE!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone. Who knows, I may be back for more regular blogging updates in the future :-)